Jesus Curriculum Sample Lesson Plan
Drop Off- You may access this entire lesson at Encountering Jesus. During drop off, play some fun music for the kids, while you engage each parent.Introduce yourself to each parent and kid.Talk to the parents and help them connect to the ministry as a whole.
Icebreaker- The Wave. Create an atmosphere of fun by starting the day with some fun and loud music.After the students have found a seat, show them how to do “the wave” by standing only when you walk in front of their seats.To make it more fun, do it super slow, super fast, with animal sounds, etc…
Worship- It is important to teach students that you don’t have to have music to worship God, so today let’s spend some time saying Thanks or Praises to Jesus.Who would like to go first?
**Kid Speaker-**Have a student recap last week’s lesson.Jesus was baptized, filled with the Holy Spirit, then he fasted and was tempted by Satan.Share about a time when you fasted and how it made you feel.Share about how we can overcome temptation by telling Satan to leave us alone.
Teaching-(Props: large jug, clear container of water, dvd FINGER OF GOD)
Water into Wine John 2:1-11
Ask the student to share about a wedding that they attended.Give specific details.Describe how beautiful and special a wedding can be.Then, talk about Jesus attending a very special wedding.
Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding.Jesus’ mother was there too.Jesus’ mother told him that the wedding had run out of wine.Then she looked at the servants and told them to do whatever Jesus told them to do.Jesus told the servants to fill these 20-30 gallon jugs with water, then draw out the water and serve it to the master of the wedding banquet.
(Bring in a large jug and a clear container of water.Demonstrate this miracle by pouring the water in the jug, asking God to change it to wine, then pouring it back out in the clear container.If a miracle happens, then cool.If it doesn’t, then talk about how amazing this action was for Jesus.)
The servants obeyed and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine and then said that this wine was better than the wine they had before.Turning water into wine was Jesus’ first miracle and it “revealed His glory” and the disciples put their faith in him.
(Show a clip from the movie- Finger of God.There is a neat story in there about gold dust and jewels appearing out of nowhere in modern day.)
Jesus is still alive today.He is wearing a body with scars that bear the testimony of his death and resurrection.If Jesus is still alive and he is a miracle worker, then we can still expect miracles today.What miracles do you need to see in your life?
**Ministry Time- **Turn on some worship music and have all of the students get in a comfortable position.Invite Jesus to walk into the room and “reveal His glory”.Ask the kids to look for Jesus with their eyes closed and see what happens.Allow the students to share what they are seeing or experiencing.
Activity- Today would be a fun day to do water games.If it is an appropriate time of year to go outside, then set up some fun stations like water balloon toss, baby pool kickball, and water gun tag.You can still do fun water games inside.It just takes a little more creativity.
**Weekly Goal-**Read John 9.Jesus is still alive and He is still doing miracles every day.He invites us to participate with Him in these miracles.Look around this week and see if you see Jesus doing miracles or a place for you to jump in and exercise your gift of faith.Share with your parents the questions you have and the experiences you are finding on this journey.
Pick up- When the parents pick up, encourage them with something positive you noticed about their child.Give the parent a synopsis of what the kids learned today, so they can continue to teach their child on that subject throughout the week.
Vineyard Kids
1st-5th Grade Class
December 1, 2013
Today’s Lesson
This week we talked about Jesus’ first public miracle.In John 2:1-11, Jesus turned water into wine.Jesus is still alive today.He is wearing a body with scars that bear the testimony of his death and resurrection.If Jesus is still alive and he is a miracle worker, then we can still expect miracles today.We watched a short movie clip from “Finger of God.”This clip showed modern day miracles.We want to get the point across that turning water into wine may seem frivolous but Jesus is still doing outrageous unexplainable miracles around the world.
Kids Weekly Challenge
Read John Chapter 9.
Look around this week and see if you see Jesus doing miracles or a place for you to jump in and exercise your gift of faith.
Share with your parents the questions you have and the experiences you are finding on this journey.
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