We hosted our family homegroup tonight after a long weekend out of state, delayed flights, puking children, and little sleep. Oh how we thought about cancelling tonight so we could unwind! However, I am finding that the moments when you persevere and fulfill your commitments, these are the moments where you find treasures. Tonight's homegroup was so sweet and refreshing. It was better than sleep.
We decided that this week we would spend time praying for each others' families. We shared prayer requests and spent time laying hands on each other and asking God to touch each life and need. I shared about how tired and discouraged I had been feeling and everyone prayed for me and shared the sweetest things. It changed my night and probably my life.
After we prayed for a while, you could feel the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit in the room. You know what I mean? We know theologically that God is always there, but then there are moments when you can feel a difference. That was how this night felt. Something changed in the room. Something changed in my heart. Thank God we decided to keep our commitment tonight. It was worth it!