Filters for the Eye

March 08, 2014Brian Ingles

"The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light." -Matthew 6:22 NKJV

Jesus said that the lamp of the body is they eye. I understand the eye in this context to be our perspective of reality. It is the lense through which we see and interpret the world and the things that happen in life. At its core it is rooted in how we see God and His attitude towards us. Having the right perspective of God is to have a good eye which results in everything else being illuminated.

The true nature of God is probably the single most important thing that we can understand and teach our kids. Helping them see Him is one of our great challenges and privileges as both parents and children's leaders. The better grasp that we ourselves have on who He is, the more effective we can be at raising and discipling our children.

I love to think and teach about the nature of God, so I thought I would list a handful of things to consider about the way He is. Think of these as filters that we can use to help recognize Him and to more effectively communicate who He is to our children.

  • God is love
  • Our Father is kind
  • God isn't worried, anxious, or afraid at all
  • God always prefers to cover sin instead of finding fault
  • It is God's good pleasure to give us and our kids His kingdom
  • God is always speaking to us
  • Jesus wants us to see Him as He is
  • Jesus is happy and smiles a lot
  • The fruit of the Spirit is peace so His voice will foster peace in us and in those around us
  • Jesus is fun
  • Jesus laughs, shouts, dances, twirls, and sings over us
  • The Holy Spirit tells our hearts that we are God's children

There is a much longer list than this, but the point is to allow the good nature of who God is to be at the forefront of our perspectives. Remembering the kindness and goodness of God will free us from the pressures and accusations that come against us all and empower us to manifest His very nature to the kids whom we lead.

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints -Ephesians 1:18 NKJV
