Kid's Camp

March 10, 2014LaBreeska Ingles

This summer we are hosting a camp for kids to learn to lead worship. We have been teaching kids to play instruments and play together in bands for several years now. We believe that kids are equipped with the same size Holy Spirit as adults. We believe that kids are born with spiritual gifts and they have access to these gifts before they are adults. Kids can lead worship. Kids can preach. Kids can change the world.

At our camp this summer, we will be hiring music teachers to teach group lessons in guitar, piano, drums, voice, and dance. The students who attend do not have to have any experience with music, just access to an instrument. The teachers will start with how to take care of their instrument, where each note is, then how to play chords. We will learn chords to play simple worship songs in the key of G.

It is vital that we teach our kids that playing music on a stage is not the end goal. We are not producing this camp to make famous rock stars. We are inviting students to come and learn tools to worship God in their home and with their family. Worship leading begins in the quiet, private moments with God, alone. So, a large part of our camp this summer will be spent in learning about what worship really is about. How do we worship? How do we sing our heart to God? How do we write our own songs? How do we change our posture to show humility?

The afternoons will be filled with fun activities. We hired a camp activity director who is renting boats at the lake, reserving a pool one day, and setting up a campfire at the farm one eveining. We want the kids to have fun and know that they can worship God without music. Worship is honoring God and you can do that through play. When we have fun and enjoy our lives, we are bringing honor to God. When we treat others with respect, we are worshiping God. Kids learn through play and they can learn worship through play, as well.

We will close our camp with a family worship night, led by kids. Not all kids will be on the stage, but that is not the end goal anyways. Hopefully parents will be impressed that their kids have learned to play an instrument and most importantly they will see a heart change in their kids.

For more information on CampFire, see our camp link.