Acts Reading Challenge Form

November 13, 2014LaBreeska Ingles

Acts Reading Challenge

Your weekly parent letter has included a weekly challenge to read through the book of Acts. The kids have until Sunday, December 7 to complete this reading challenge. Please complete the following form by putting a check beside the chapters completed, have your parents sign the form, then turn it in at the check-in desk by December 7. The kids who complete this challenge will get to participate in a reward similar to the John challenge. Happy reading!

____ Acts 1                                                     ____ Acts 21

____ Acts 2                                                     ____ Acts 22

____ Acts 3                                                     ____ Acts 23

____ Acts 4                                                     ____ Acts 24

____ Acts 5                                                     ____ Acts 25

____ Acts 6                                                     ____ Acts 26

____ Acts 7                                                     ____ Acts 27

____ Acts 8                                                     ____ Acts 28

____ Acts 9

____ Acts 10

____ Acts 11

____ Acts 12

____ Acts 13

____ Acts 14

____ Acts 15

____ Acts 16

____ Acts 17

____ Acts 18

____ Acts 19                                       X___________________________________________

____ Acts 20                                                   (parent signature)

We hope you enjoy this free Bible reading challenge. If you are interested in additional resources, children's church curriculum, and lesson plans, check out the Kidsministryteam store.