How to Teach a Kid to Teach
You teach a kid to teach the same way you teach an adult to teach. Kids have spiritual giftings, just like adults. We are born with some of our gifts and “the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable” (Romans 11:29). Look around at your children's church class and begin to notice the teachers in the group. What does a teacher look like? They’re not necessarily the loudest kid in the group. Teachers carry a wisdom inside of them that desires to educate others. Teachers ask a lot of questions and sometimes question your answers. Teachers love to explain topics in extreme detail.
After you pin point some students that you believe are gifted at teaching, you may want to meet with them on a weekly basis for a few weeks to give them some training in skills they will need to teach the children's church class.
- It is important to learn basic speech skills before making a presentation in front of a group. Kids may need to be reminded of basic things like: speak loudly and clearly, look at the audience instead of staring at your notes, keep it short, and don’t fidget. (Nothing like a kid giving a speech while picking their nose.)
- Visual Aids are a must. When we teach elementary age kids, we always use visual aids. Visual aids are fun, because the possibilities are endless. You could choose a short video to share about your topic. You could pass out candy to represent “tasting and seeing that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). You could have the class act out a story that you are telling. You could even bring a bag full of visual aids to share throughout the teaching time. Encourage the kids to use visual aids in every lesson they teach, even if they are only speaking for 5 minutes.
- Preparation is the key to success. Show the kid speakers how to take a Scripture and create an outline about what they want to talk about in that Scripture.