The History of Our Church
We started a new teaching series in the Elementary Kids Class at Vineyard Campbellsville. We are hearing from the people who started our church almost 20 years ago. We are learning the history of our church body. Why do we exist? How did we start? We plan to spend an entire month listening to stories from our church fathers and mothers about the origin of our church body.
Yesterday we kicked off the series with our church’s first pastor Ray Hollenbach. Ray was the only Vineyard pastor I ever knew. He introduced me to the Holy Spirit in a way I had not known Him. He taught me how to pray for healing, hear God speak, and lead with a servant’s heart. He hired me as the Director of Family Ministry in 2005 and encouraged me as I learned how to walk in my calling.
Ray shared the overview of the history of our church with the kids and then during ministry time, our kids laid hands on Ray and blessed him. God says that “He will turn the hearts of the Fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their Fathers" Malachi 4:5-6. We are seeing this prophecy come true as we teach our church family to truly see the kids and not discard them. We are seeing this prophecy come true as we teach our children to bless the father and mothers who have come before them.
In the next few weeks, we will be inviting more adults to come and tell stories about how our church was planted in Campbellsville, Kentucky. How did the Kid’s Ministry begin? How did we start planting churches in Peru? Where do we go from here? These are all questions we hope to answer this month in our new series about the History of our Church.