Experiencing the Holy Spirit

January 11, 2016LaBreeska Ingles

It's here! Experiencing the Holy Spirit is a Kid's Church Curriculum for 1st thru 5th graders. Experiencing the Holy Spirit is a fun study of the book of Acts. The students will not only learn the stories from the first church in Acts, but how to join the Holy Spirit in what He is doing today. Experiencing the Holy Spirit is a 6-month curriculum that partners perfectly with the 6-month curriculum following the study of the Gospels in "Encountering Jesus." Encountering Jesus was released in 2014 and has been used by many kid's church volunteers all around the world.

In Experiencing the Holy Spirit, each month focuses on different attributes of the Holy Spirit by teaching the Acts stories in the order they appear in the Scriptures, as well as providing ministry time to encourage kids to connect to the person of the Holy Spirit. Each week, the students are sent home with weekly challenges that encourage the family unit to connect to the Holy Spirit and feel empowered to reach out to their community.

Month #1- The Holy Spirit Comforts

Month #2- The Holy Spirit Empowers

Month #3- The Holy Spirit Convicts

Month #4- The Holy Spirit Guides

Month #5- The Holy Spirit Exalts Jesus

Month #6- The Holy Spirit Enables

Here is what some others are saying about this new curriculum:

"LaBreeska Ingles' new curriculum is solid gold. We've been using all of it here at our church and have seen first-hand how it impacts our kids. It's not just a Bible lesson with Bible information. It is also application so that the kids are "doing the stuff" and not just hearing the stuff. I couldn't recommend it more." - Adam Russell, Pastor at Vineyard Campbellsville, Kentucky

"These lessons are taught not simply to give kids a historical understanding of what God has been up to, but they are stories taught to today's kids that speak into identity, position, and calling. The kids are invited to become leaders in the classroom." -Selena Schwind, Kid's Pastor at Vineyard Florence, Kentucky

For more information on Experiencing the Holy Spirit curriculum or to check out our other kids ministry resources, please visit the Kidsministryteam store.