We've been busy in the Ingles household. We brought baby Noa Kathryn Ingles home with us in late March. We traveled to Virgina to visit family 3 times. We conducted our second annual Kids CampFire Worship Band Camp in June. We took all three kids to the National Vineyard Conference in Ohio in July. We traveled to Georgia for the Ignite Conference in October. We released our second Kid's Church curriculum "Experiencing the Holy Spirit." We were ordained this summer and came on full time as staff at the Vineyard Campbellsville Church. We have been busy. It's been an incredible year!
We never want to slow down. We want to keep reproducing. We not only want more children, but we want to reproduce ourselves in ministry. We not only want to write more Kid's Church Curriculi, but we want to raise up new curriculum writers. We not only want to produce more kids worship teams, but we want to encourage other churches to start kids worship teams. We want our investments on earth to reproduce. We want this generation to be our inheritance.
Our Noa Kathryn's name means a "movement of purity." We believe she was born as a sign to her generation. Pregnancy was hard. Giving birth was hard. But reproducing is worth the sacrifice. In the same way, it is easier to do ministry than it is to reproduce ministry, but it's worth it.
Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world and make disciples!" What did he mean by that? Reproduce! We are giving it our all, Lord!